

At Silveroc Mines, we believe that effective governance is the cornerstone of sustainable and responsible mining. Our commitment to transparency, ethical decision-making, and upholding the highest standards in corporate conduct isn't just a philosophy—it's our promise. As we navigate the intricate pathways of the mining industry, our governance framework ensures that we remain accountable to our stakeholders, the communities we operate in, and the environments we touch. On this page, you'll discover the guiding principles, policies, and practices that shape our operations, ensuring that Silveroc Mines leads with integrity, diligence, and a vision for a brighter, more responsible future in mining.

The Company is committed to comprehensive, accurate, and timely disclosure in all reports and communications provided to regulatory authorities. Personnel are expected to comply with the Disclosure Policy and sign an acknowledgment as a condition of employment.

The Board of Directors at Silveroc is expected to uphold their legal fiduciary responsibilities and adhere to the highest ethical and professional standards.


Code of Conduct

Silveroc Mines' Code of Conduct mandates that every team member, from our employees to our officers and directors, operates ethically and fairly in all business dealings. The responsibility of upholding and ensuring consistent adherence to this Code lies with the Board's Audit as well as the Social, Ethics, and Transformation Committees.

Our pursuit to be the global frontrunner in sustainable gold mining is deeply rooted in our values. These guiding principles are embraced and implemented by our directors and every member of the Silveroc Mines team, across all levels.

  • Code of Business Conduct
  • Ethical Guidelines for Directors
  • Compensation Committee Charter
  • HSS Charter
  • Audit Committee
  • Anti-Corruption Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Board Mandate
Ethical Business and Partnership Standards

Silveroc Mines steadfastly commits to operating our business ethically and fairly, while fostering a culture grounded in social and environmental responsibility. This commitment is deeply rooted in the core values of the Silveroc Mines company, which, along with our Code of Conduct, guide our every action and are expected to be shared and upheld by our partners.

Partnering With External Entities

At Silveroc Mines, we view our third-party collaborators as an extension of our brand. Hence, we anticipate our suppliers to respect, adhere to, and champion our core values, Code of Conduct, and all pertinent laws and regulations.

Gift and Hospitality Guidelines

It's essential for suppliers to refrain from offering or accepting gifts or hospitalities that could potentially, or seemingly, influence the integrity or neutrality of our team. We strictly prohibit cash transfers, discounts, or vouchers to any member of the Silveroc Mines team.

Handling Confidentiality

All information suppliers gain access to due to their association with Silveroc Mines must remain confidential. This encompasses any non-public information related to Silveroc Mines. Suppliers are also advised against sharing or posting any material or images related to Silveroc Mines on social platforms without our explicit written approval.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Stance

All suppliers are obligated to obey laws and regulations that stand against bribery and corruption. Engaging in, or proposing, any form of bribery or corrupt practices, either independently or representing Silveroc Mines, is strictly prohibited.

Insider Trading Rules

Engaging in trade based on undisclosed critical information or disseminating such information is against the law. Suppliers must ensure that any trade involving Silveroc Mines' shares or securities aligns with all relevant legal and stock exchange stipulations.

Addressing Conflicts of Interest

Any potential or apparent conflict of interest related to Silveroc Mines must be promptly declared by suppliers. It's vital to prevent personal or professional associations that could hinder the fulfilment of their responsibilities.

Political Engagement and Official Communications

Suppliers participating in political actions must distinctly state that they aren't representing Silveroc Mines in any capacity. Moreover, suppliers should refrain from attending meetings with government representatives regarding Silveroc Mines without an accompanying Silveroc Mines representative, who will duly document the meeting's specifics.

We urge you to contact [email protected] should you have any queries or concerns regarding any of these policies.
Silveroc Mines