
Silveroc Mines have been mining Gold & Silver in Ecuador since 2005. Following a large international exploration project around South America, it was determined that Ecuador's terrain and historical weather would make it a lucrative country for mining.

Learn more about our history

Why Ecuador?

Ecuador, despite being smaller than some of its neighbouring countries in South America, has been drawing increasing attention from Silveroc Mines when it comes to precious metals. Here's why we chose Ecuador in our mining activities:

  • Untapped Geological Potential: Ecuador's portion of the Andes mountains, as well as its diverse geological formations, are believed to house significant deposits of gold, silver, and other precious metals. For decades, these reserves remained largely unexplored by rival companies, making Ecuador a new frontier for Silveroc Mines.
  • Economic Diversification: The Ecuadorian government recognizes mining as an avenue to diversify its economy, which has traditionally been reliant on oil exports. The revenue generated from mining can fund development projects and boost employment.
  • Regulatory Shifts: In the past, Ecuador had stringent restrictions on mining. However, in recent years, there has been a gradual shift with the government creating more favourable policies to attract foreign investments in the mining sector, albeit with responsible and sustainable frameworks.
  • Community Engagement: There's an increasing emphasis on involving local communities in the decision-making process, ensuring that the benefits of mining extend to local development, infrastructure, and welfare.

Overview of projects

Silveroc Mines now operates 18 mines over 6 sites in Ecuador. Gold and Platinum are the forefront of Ecuadorean mining operations as Silveroc Mines prepares for future expansion with a more targeted approach towards platinum.
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Silveroc Mines