
Silveroc Mines returned to Venezuela in 2010 as an exploration-only mission, focussing on Platinum. However, following the discovery of 3 hotspots for Gold and Platinum, Silveroc Mines negotiated rights to mine in all three locations.

Learn more about our history

Why Venezuela?

Venezuela, endowed with a plethora of natural resources, is not just known for its vast oil reserves but also for its potential in precious metals mining. Here's a glimpse into why Venezuela has been an attractive location for Silveroc Mines:

  • Abundant Natural Reserves: Venezuela's geological framework, especially within the Guyana Shield, is rich in gold, silver, and other precious metals. Historical estimates suggest that the Orinoco Mining Arc alone, a vast area in the southern part of the country, holds considerable gold and diamond reserves.
  • Economic Imperatives: With challenges in the oil sector and economic adversities in recent times, the Venezuelan government has looked to mining as an avenue to boost national employment, revenue and foreign exchange.
  • Regulatory Frameworks: While Venezuela's regulatory landscape has seen its fair share of changes over the decades, there have been efforts by the government to streamline processes and regulations to promote easement alongst mining companies such as Silveroc Mines.

Overview of projects

Within the past 12 years of operations in Venezuela, Silveroc Mines has remained at their original 3 sites with 9 current mines between them. Diamond mining is due to begin in late 2025
Silveroc Mines mining in Venezuela
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Silveroc Mines